Thursday, July 21, 2005

Shower-Time Ramblings

The things we think of while in the shower... a lot of times I consider the things that have pissed me off through-out the day, the "first" things I want to do when I get back to the U.S.... However, lately it has been more along the lines of the things I "have got to remember to Blog about". I have what I consider to be a great nightime routine. I leave the office somewhere between 5 and 9p.m. (usually) take a nap for a couple of hours and then go to the gym. Sure this little practice usually puts me in the gym somewhere between midnight and 3 a.m., but I like it that way. Not as many "looky-lou's" as my friend Stacy use to call them. The best part is that when I finally hit the shower - I usually have it all to myself!!

Last night all I could think about (after sniffin' up all the good shampoo scent my nose could handle) was the groups of troops we first handled when we got here. In case you don't know - my team's mission is to go around and see troops at so many weeks out from them leaving country. We do the whole "health" questionaire and make sure they will be put in for any consults that they may need once they return stateside. Nothing Grand - but when you see me or one of the other people on the team... you know your seat on the bird is being reserved. Well, when we first arrived here we saw some of the most pathetic groups of soldiers there were. I don't think I have ran into any this rotation that were nearly as beat-down as those troops we were processing out then. To help you get a grasp on this - we always need dates for those questionaires... these troops that I am talking about had every date down. The sad part was that they remembered their dates according to who died or was severly injured. (Yeah, die-hard democrats are gonna love that sentence.) I haven't ran into those type of groups in a long time. (Republicans are gonna' love that one.) One of the younger soldiers on our team said it best when she stated that she just wanted to help them get out of here. Since then, I have kind of changed into my own credo - do whatever it takes to get those troops home. Many times it meant doing missions with the funkiest smelling DCUs (laundry turn around at many of these places is days long, and most places don't have washers and dryers for the soldiers to use) and some of the worst looking hair (kevlars are not made to double as beauty queen tiaras). I sincerely hope that the other troops that are over here with me now will have other ways of remembering their dates. Which brings me to another point... With all the media that is given to all the soldiers that are wounded or injured you would think that we wouldn't need to schedule any flights home... you would either be in a body bag or on a Medical Evacuation flight. I just want the public to keep it in perspective... MANY return home in a similar shape to what they came over here in. Sometimes we have lost some weight because of the heat and the 30+ pounds of body armor that have to be worn (NO, not everyone over here has to wear that all day either). Sometimes soldiers just grow up a little - you run into some who make some realizations as to what is important in life. Some of us get a few gray hairs - we all age anyway. Most of us at least come back with a better face and neck tan - but usually that is it - go ahead laugh at the rest of our pasty bodies!! Agreeing or Dis-Agreeing with this war doesn't play a big part in my head... how I have changed and what has hit me as "the most important things to teach my children" is what takes priority in my mind. I am just SO thankful to have them to return to. There are some soldiers who their government didn't shaft 'em while they were here, it was their spouse/significant other. I could go on, and on, and on... I guess today was just a day that I have looked back over these last 11 months - realizing what has affected me. That is - the things that have just hit me in the gut and the heart.

Getting this close to going home (yeah, I know I keep saying that - Sorry Erik) is almost like being pregnant - it is like a bajillion hormones are running through me~ whenever I read something sentimental I almost break out in tears... What kind of Crap is that? That is not normally me. But, I guess it is a good step and is just part of the transition back to real life.

So, in my effort to list the REAL things to do when I get back home - give me some ideas on the fun places to make some good memories... you know.... that bottle of wine I have to try because it is sooooo good, the best amusement park/water park/zoo to go visit with the kids, the best scenic hike for the fall... throw 'em out there.


Sheri said...

Found your blog through PrincessKat at the Yay-Yays and want to say thank you for all you do. Bless the troops - be safe - can I link you on my blog?

I cna't imagine what being away from your family for so long mst be like but I ppreciate you giving us a glimpse of what life over there is like for a mom from the USA

Unknown said...

Yeah - anybody can link to me - From my vantage point - this is all public... I will take whatever the critics or the lovers will give. I just like the communication with "the real world".

Melody said...

I'm sure that the only thing that your kids will want is YOU. My thoughts will be with you. Thank You for the wonderful things that you do.

MP said...

THANK YOU HEATHER!! My thoughts and prayers are with you! On those icky days think 72 degree pool, slight breeze and an ice cold fru fru drink w/ an umbrella..watching the kids giggle and play. Hope you make it home soon! (found your link from out Yay Yay Sister site... we all support you 100%)

Sarah said...

I love this post. I have no idea what it's like to be over there, but I would probably come home and immediately eat McDonald's and watch cable while laying in my own bed in my own house.

I know everyone says it, but thanks for what you do. Honestly you have no idea how much everyone back home loves you and appreciates you. I do and I don't even know you.

Now hurry up and get out of there so you can get back here and eat a Big Mac with your kids. Hell when you get back, I will go eat McDonald's in your honor. :)

Katy said...

That must have been one long shower....;)

Mama Duck said...

That was an excellent post! Thanks for giving us insight!

I frequently jot down things to blog about while I'm supposed to be falling asleep. It's an obsession really.

Here's some stuff to do:
1. Watch the bats leave form Congress Ave. bridge in Austin, TX (March to Oct.) Bonus Points: East Sandy's ice cream while watching

2. Go to the top of the Sears Tower to see all of Chicago, then shop the Magnificent Mile.

3. Attend Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. I cry EVERY TIME they play the Star Spangled Banner and the girls ride the horses with the flag. It's absolutely AWESOME.

4. Two of the most peaceful things I've done are snorkeling with Parrot Fish (Virgin Island) and holding/feeding sting rays (Grand Cayman)

I'm sure there's tons to add to my list. I haven't been that many places, but these are some thigns I thought you might enjoy.