In case you were wondering... no my head isn't tiny - my coffee mug is GINMORMOUS!! Erik and Curt give me crap if I take a full mug, because then one of them has to brew a whole new pot of coffee - BOOO HOOO! One Problem: Erik and Curt don't like good coffee. I like the good, flavorFULL coffee - they take straight crap and make it strong and thick. Syrip de ala crappa... Erik could patent the stuff as a dietary weight loss system: "Just one cup of my coffee first thing in the morning and you are gauranteed to have sh!t out a pound before your lunch break. My unique formula gives a whole new meaning to 'droppin' pounds'!!" Anyway, I like the good stuff. Real French Roast, and yeah, the froo-froo stuff - flavored coffees - creme brulee, french vanilla, raspberry chocolate... I could go on and on, but that would just be torture. We don't have a lot of the good stuff over here and being the only woman in the office now - most of the men just make their syrup and line up at the bathroom door. Yeah, sign me up for that one! U
I know this post is a little early, but we got work to do and I didn't want to miss out on this one! Have a great Friday everyone.
Oh.....hold on a second....I just had a cup of the sludge....
I'll be back in a couple!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog, Heather! Even in Iraq, boys can't stop talking about poop, huh? The guys I go to lunch with talk about it constantly. Okay I do, too.
I can't believe you linked me as the funniest girl in the world. You must not know that many people. :) Seriously-thank you so much. That's so kind. I'm an ass, and I'm glad you find joy in that. :)
Thanks again for stopping by! I love internet friends! Be safe!!!
LOVE THE MUG!!! I love GOOD coffee too, and since I'm the only coffee drinker in the house...IT'S ALL MINE!.....HEHEHEHEHE
I love coffee flavor as well. I am on the amaretto kick right now.
I like mugs that take up almost all of the coffee! ahah
Just tell me where to send it, and you'll have a pile of seattle's best at your feet.
I am a coffee FIEND! I so agree with you, Heather.
My fiance makes the [coffee ala crappa, the kills me!] same stuff and it drives me nuts! His excuse is that the good stuff is too expensive. Well, I have to agree: When you have to dump half a damned can into the filter (which becomes a joke at this point) it can get pretty expensive.
The good stuff is much more worth the effort!
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