Saturday, July 30, 2005

Enrique's Tag

OK - Here they are...

*Muscular shoulders - I like a guy who makes me feel secure.
* Seeing my kiddos laugh with/at their daddy.
* Watching Johnathan laugh
* A gorgeous smile
OK - I am in Iraq... maybe I should make the TURN ONs list once I get back home and remember what that is.

TURN OFF: (this is the easy part, I have been subjected to them for the past year!)
* wimpy-ness (in character, personality, ethics, morals)
* stupidity/ignorance
* hypocrisy
* hoochie-mama/pimp daddy dressin'
* trying to be something you are not (frontin', posers)
* sleaziness
* blatant liars
* b.o. (ok - I am pretty use to this after the temps here for the last 2 months)
* just not taking care of yourself... you know the ones who have toilet mouth (we are not talking about swearing)

OK - in all honesty... I just don't think about these things that much. I either like ya' or I don't. I don't pretend, I don't sugar-coat... and I don't kiss butt - I treat ya' nice if you are worth it. I am not someone who thinks that you should tell everyone how great they are (lie) - I believe you should recognize the people in your life who mean something to you, who friendship is valued and respected by both sides, whose personalities align with your own morals. Stand for what you believe in, IS THAT SO HARD? (Sorry, it is still Saturday)

1 comment:

Katy said...

ooh toilet mouth....gross! Does that include the people who seem to not be aware of the brown rotting teeth in their mouths?