Tuesday, August 29, 2006

First Day of Pre-K

"Momma - I got a green day" That is what I heard as I picked Divon & Zephan up from there first day of Pre-K. (Yep - another year of Pre-K - No, they didn't fail it!)

Although the teachers may consider not recommending them for kindergarten!

This year Divon & Zephan switched classrooms. Divon (in the blue T-shirt) has Ms. Hollingsworth and Zephan has Mrs. Merritt. Well, they both just squealed with delight at the fact that both teachers kept calling them by the other's name. Furthermore, they decided that they are going to switch classes tomorrow after recess and see if anybody notices.

Personally, I think they will get caught - not because I am plotting against them, but rather because they don't dress alike! Duh! - If they think far enough ahead to even wear the same shirt I will applaud their effort. However, I am guessing it will take at least a couple of months, if not years of plotting before they can get the twin switch down. Last year they considered it once.

On a separate note - I am sore from the mileage today. (I did managed to find a new pair of running shoes.) I would love to blame the soreness on the shoes, but I think I may have been pushing it a little hard this morning. ok, ok - you caught me... I skimped out on a day last week and I decided my punishment is to do an extra work out every week for a month. What it boils down to is that I only had one recovery day after our long run, which was another 4 miler.

In my infinite wisdom, I thought I would be ok. But, I think the shins need a couple extra icing sessions and I will be good to go.

Does Aqua Jogging count? In the hot-tub?? While sitting???

And just so all of you know - I am still running most workouts on the treadmill, but I have increased the pace.... did that help me up the hills this past Saturday... Yeah, not so much!

Honestly, I am a little timid of running on the streets at o-dark-thirty without a dog and ambulance in closs proximity! Ok, I am just scared of breaking the ankle AGAIN!


Anonymous said...

"Does Aqua Jogging count?"...I was thinking yes...

Until I read "In the hot-tub?? While sitting???" ;)

It was good to see you (comment)! I wondered where you went since your return home! Those boys are precious but look like they are mischevious...which I guess the "Great Classroom Switch" would confirm!

Anonymous said...

Hey sis - thanks for remembering our b-days. I did call dad that day, I even caught it when it was both of ours here in Korea and in NE. I love the pics of the kiddos, and I will be on here to read all about them and the marathon prep. LOVE YA
