Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sore Spots

The gym is my friend, the gym is my friend, the gym is my friend... Maybe, if I keep repeating it I will believe it.

You got it. I am working at taking off all the pounds I want to put on at Christmas. (Not quite, but you'll understand in a moment.) This Christmas is my first Christmas home in a couple of years. Being deployed last year, DD and Johnathan were the only ones who were able to celebrate with my family. Johnathan loves Christmas with my family because "they do it right". Both my mother's mom & dad and my Dad's mom live in the same small community - as does about 100 of my other relatives (give or take 300! - hehehe). So, Christmas is a wonderful time to see every one and catch up. My brother and sister live close by - everyone is close so you can go visit them without having to jump in the car for another 500 miles or another trip to the airport. Needless to say - I am excited because it seems like forever since I have really been able to talk to them, much less see them. E-mailing and even handwritten letters do not make up for seeing them. AND the smell of the houses at Christmas...MMMMMMMM! Between all the cooking, the trees and THE SNOW!! I miss it.

The boys are so excited to see snow again. If we get it here - it is 6" or less and about once a season if we are lucky. But, remember the 40% chance of rain that caused the school closures here? That is even worse - let it be forcasted to freeze and mist - CLOSE EVERYTHING - BUY OUT ALL THE GROCERIES, STOCK PILE CANDLES, RAID THE PROPANE TANKS AROUND TOWN.... it goes nuts. Then if there is actually snow.... well, you can guess how silly it gets. Going back home just tells me that I am not nutso to think that these North Carolinians are a bit psycho when it comes to weather! (hehehe- sorry I still love all of you, you just WAY over react to FORCASTS!! Dude, they are rarely right anyway!)

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

the gym is my friend, the gym is my friend, the gym is my friend....


Erik Holtan said...

Listen here Freakball!
Nice trick with the 5 comments, and good ol Elder, we miss him already, and now I know you ALL are trailer trash from NC!
Your eating Indian crap, when you spent all this time over here eating food Indian style with cooks from India! Or Indiana!
Which one? I don't know, and be careful at the gym not to trip on a pebble! Can you do that on a treadmill?
Totally kidding, you know that, since it was MY fault! We miss you here, well, not really, because then that would mean we have longer to go!

Anonymous said...

I am probably as ready for you to come home for Christmas as you are. I can't wait to see you and the family. I hope that I get some time off so that we can see each other and have a christmas "right". Well I hope that you get to see snow, but don't hold your breath on it, you know what NE can be like... 80 in the morning and -80 by noon with a wind chill of -100. Boy wouldn't it be fun to see those NC people live in this... they would freak. Talk to you later. Jessi