Monday, September 29, 2008
No Pictures, Just Chatter
I will share with you an email I recently sent to my sister....
My old cell was fried by lightning and I don't have any of the numbers that were in it. Would you please send me your number, mom's number, dad's numbers, Heath's number, etc..... Anyone else you can think of. I have the same phone number, it is just that all the numbers I had in my phone were completely obliterated.
And yes, the phone was struck by lightning while only 4 inches from my hand.... well, not quite.
Actually there wasn't even lightning. As a matter of fact, it could better be described as a mother carrying too many things out the door as she was getting all the kids off to school when she put all the items for recycling in the same hand as her phone and she put them all in the recycling bin and left home. Then, when she came back an hour and a half later, the recycling truck had already came and emptied the recycling bin. Yeah, that describes it a little more acurately.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It's Raining, It's Pouring
This was last week - look at that gorgeous sunshine! This is Divon in one of his famous "I'm gonna' get you" poses. The instructor, Gabrielle, is making sure they don't go flying through the glass window - such a responsible girl!

Now, here is Zephan - wooping up on a girl - or is it the other way around? Zephan and Divon both have this automatic response to jump like the little mexican jumping beans that they look like when ever their instructors say the word 'spar'. And you can see that the girl is grounded, but Zephan is jumping - defending himself - but still jumping. Both of them can't wait to graduate to the next class where they get to wear the sparring gear and throw kicks and punches. Needless to say, we are really working on controlling where our kicks and punches land. One of our most fruitful methods has been to have mom (ME) hold out my feet and each of them gets to throw jabs at it. It is about the right height for another person their height AND I get a great foot massage. It's great- as long as I like a little pain. They pack some pretty hard little jabs!
Finally - here is a picture of DD from last Friday when we were in downtown Fayetteville. This was the outfit she wore to meet her teacher for the first time. We shared a cheese, pita, fruit and yogurt plate at Blue Moon before running off to see her classroom and meet her teacher. Dazjah loves going downtown - what can I say - the girl has class. She is an old spirit - she loves to drink good coffee, have her steak pink, seafood, and a couple sips of good wine. Many people tell me that I am going to have to "watch out with her," but honestly - she is in karate and ballet - she only like girls - and as long as I can keep those factors a priority - I think I have a fighting chance. Also, it is going to take quite a guy to impress her with her tastes!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Universe is Shifting!!!
The universe in a paradoxical downfall - my children have started a habit of getting up somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m. What is going on???? Ever since we started this walking until the sun comes up - they now think that as long as it is dark - it is time to get up! AAAAHHHHHHH.
Even Dazjah - my "don't touch me until I am good and ready to wake up (after 8 a.m.) child" is rising between 5:30 and 6 a.m. consistently. I guess this is my Grandpa Morris' genes shining through - telling me that I am being a lazy bum, not wanting to be up everyday before 6-6:30.
What is a mom to do???? Send coffee, please!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy Birthday, Joel and Jessica!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Cherubs, Cherubs, everywhere... Some are here, some are there!

First we have Chelsea with the cat and Jasmine being "pretty in pink."
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A couple of days ago, after a big lunch, I took her upstairs. I asked her if she just wanted to lay down or if she wanted me to put a movie in. She was still very wide awake and asked for a movie. Well, Dazjah asks for "the spider-pig movie."
Now, most of you may be familiar with the term "spider-pig" because of the Simpson movie. I know that whenever I hear the term I start singing, "Spider-pig, Spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does." As do my children, even though we have not seen the movie. (It was great marketing on the advertisers part, just not great follow-through on my non-movie theatre going family!)
I am about to say that we don't have that movie - much less on VHS (it is an old tv that is up in this room!) when another movie catches my eye. I suddenly know exactly which movie she is talking about. Can you guess what movie it is?

Saturday, August 09, 2008
A Few Wack-a-doodle Ideas I Didn't Know About
So here are a few items I didn't know existed, and they rate right up there with "the gentleman's ball scratcher in polished silver."
1) Can-ouflage - Initially, I thought this would be camouflage for hunters beer cans. I was partially right. Bottom line, Jess and Griff - you are still the only people I would by these for. Maybe I would buy the one that is a play on Mountain Dew - Mountain Spew - for my brother since he is adicted to "doin' the dew."
2) Recycled Windshield Glass Stemless Wine Glasses - I just find this an interesting marketing view. Considering how much glass is recylced and all the different products it is used for. I guess I am suppose to be comforted by the thought of a big, juicy grasshopper giving his life so that I could enjoy my environmentaly friendly drink.
3) iCarta iPod Stereo Dock and Bath Tissue Holder - ( I found 2 used ones on Amazon!) Personally I think it should have been named the 'iCrappa iPod Dock and Toilet Paper Dispenser.' Who comes up with these items. Honestly - something that close to toilet? Something just screams "Honey, I'm not feeling so good - it must have been something I ate." about this product. To which I would reply, "I told you to use the hand sanatizer before changing your 'dropping-the-kids-off-at-the-pool' music."
Of course, I let my kids have input on one item they thought should be on this list. Here is the boys top choice:
4) The "What you need to survive a zombie attack" kit. Again, we found this on Amazon and they are asking for it for their birthday. I am not reminding any of you when there birthday is if you think I am signing up to have two 7 year-old boys with machetes, maglites, and crowbars running around the house at 2 a.m. or the neighborhood before dawn.
DD on the otherhand just thinks everyone should own a tutu and high-heels. She says that "Yes, even boys should have them so they can give them to the girls." Hard logic to argue with!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Quiet (Riot) Time
Well, this morning I awoke at about 5:20. The house was dark. Everything was still and quiet. I slipped out of bed leaving Dazjah (the midnight space-invader) and John slumbering. I grabbed a pair of socks and walking shorts and headed to the living room to put them on in silence and darkness.
I made it to the kitchen, grabbed my shoes and heard little pitter-patter footsteps on the carpet in the hall. I stopped dead in my tracks. In 2 seconds, around the corner came a little boy with nothing but his white and red Hot Wheels underwear on. "Good morning, Mommy."
"Good morning, Zephan."
"What are you doing, Mommy?"
"I'm getting ready to go on my walk." More pitter-patter in the hall. "Good morning, Divon. Would you two like me to turn on some cartoons while I go on my walk?"
Although looking very forlorn in the face, they said they wanted to watch one show while I went for my walk. I turn on the TV and closed the hall door. I sat down to put on my shoes and here comes DD.
Now, DD is not a morning person. She is usually the last one awake and the biggest handful to get ready and moving.
"Mommy, what are you doing?"
"Good morning, Dazjah. I am getting ready to go on my walk. Do you want to watch one show with brothers?"
"AWWWWWW." (lip sticking out, big blue puppy dog eyes appear) "I wanted to go running with you. Why can't I go running with you?"
"If you can get dressed quick you can come."
In record time she had a shirt and pink sweatpants on and was slipping on shoes. The boys, seeing all of this went to get dressed and decide that if DD can go, so can they.
Out the door we all headed. I know this is not going to be a fast paced walk, but maybe we will get in a science lesson or two. So, off we go. At first the kids are quiet - we can hear the crickets and are noticing how many little branches and leaves our mini-thunderstorm blew down the night before. Then Divon says, "Mommy, all the cars are still asleep. And all the people, too."
We all chuckle at the thought of cars getting up, brushing their teeth, making breakfast, etc. Well, that started it all. The rest of the next 45 minutes was spent noticing wildlife, talking about the sun, the sky and how and why the sky changed colors and WAKING UP EVERY DOG AND NEIGHBOR. The kids would get so loud "talking" that I would tell them to tone it down becuase they were shouting. I love going out early in the morning for the peace and quiet. We did meet our neighborhood watch president. His comment was that there was no way he could get his grandkids out of bed this early. It was still before 6 a.m. when we ran into him. He was astonished - to say the least.
By 6:30 I am sure that most of our neighborhood was up due to a different type of morning alarm, but we had seen a rabbit out munching on a lawn, a HUGE cat sleeping on the state trooper's car hood, and many birds. It was a good morning, but definately not a quiet one.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Dazjah's Hello
Dazjah (she insists that her name is in pink) comes to work with me now that the boys are back in school. First grade is going well and they are progressing quite nicely with their spanish vocabulary and spelling. Last week was their first spelling test. So, everyday we had a little mock test to help prepare them for it. The word they were to spell was 'tengo'. Divon had finished writing and Zephan was sitting there pondering. I looked at his paper; he had written "ten" and was looking up into the air and tapping his pencil on his chin. After another 30 seconds I finally said, "Sound it out. What do you think comes next?" He did it and sat there thinking again. A little frustrated because he was making the 'g' sound I said, "What is it, Zephan?" He said, "I know it's a 'g' that comes next but how do you say that in spanish?" I reminded him how to say the letter 'g' in spanish and was bursting with laughter inside.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Call Me 'Dog Face'

In addition to the obvious insult, here are a few other reasons you might call someone 'Dog Face.'
1) Your daughter insists on this being her picture to post on your blog.------------------------>
2) You make a dinner so scrumptious that when you come back from getting more water out of the fridge you see all your children licking their bowls.
Well, yes - both of these have happened to me within the past 24 hours.
DD dressed herself this morning and pulled it together very nicely. She added the tiarra (there is more than just the fur, it is just further back on her head) after I arrived at work. She loves this picture. I prefer some of the others that are on the flickr collage to the right. Have a great day Dog Face!
Monday, July 28, 2008
1) You can see pictures of my kids when they were younger (and of me when I was in the Army and the years since) by clicking on the various years to the right of the text.
2) You can view the blog in reverse chronological order by clicking on "older posts" at the bottom of the multiple posts (text entries) on this page - and each subsequent page.
3) You can leave me a quick note by clicking on "comments" under each entry. Each entry is dated.
Thanks for visiting!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Cabin Fever - Every Afternoon!

Saturday, July 19, 2008
What's a year?