About Dad: My dad is a tried and true guy. He is honest, has a great laugh, and is the smartest man I know! One of the things I remember about growing up was his collection of Coke bottles from around the world. He had a HUGE bottle - it had to hold about 5 gallons of Coke (at least it looked that way to me as a child)- that, if I remember correctly, was from Turkey. He had another one from somewhere else, China maybe, that had a skeleton of a bat in it. I also remember taking soybeans or corn to the scales with him when I was a child. He would always grab a Coke from the old-style vending machines. That is, the glass bottle vending machines. The drink just seemed cooler in that glass bottle.
Also, my dad was - and still is - the BEST pancake maker in the world! He even suffered through me making french toast - first putting butter in the batter instead of the skillet - and through a second batch of a tablespoon or two of salt instead of a teaspoon - and finally praised my accomplishing an edible product on the third batch - all while laughing. I remember tasting the second batch and being sure that he was going to be furious about me wasting so many eggs. But not my dad - he just tossed it, rinsed the bowl, and told me to try again.
Well, my sister is the one who can really recall the stories from our childhood. She has this insane memory. I swear - there are times when she tells a story - everything is exactly right - but I am thinking to myself, "How do you remember all that? Are you a spybot or something? No one has a memory like that." She remembers every one of the fights between me and my brother (just good sibling rivalry, right?), all the issues around the phone, the tv remote, and the losers I dated. No, I did not think they were losers - well, most of them.
The only semblance of a story that comes immediately to mind is about Furbees and Munchkins. My sister loved her Furbee and Monchichi- I think she still has them to this day - although I am sure she will respond and comment on some elaborate story of how one or both were dismembered, killed in a hunting accident, or Griff has restuffed it in a more realistic way with all his taxidermy skills. She was probably about three when Jane was over to babysit while our parents were out bowling. We were playing some stupid kid game - I think we called it "Alligator." - We took all the cushions off the couch, each kid had one to stand on, if you got some obscure trivia question right you were rewarded with jumping to another couch cushion, if not you got tossed into the alligator pit. Again, I am sure Jess will respond with the official rules and scenario. Well, the question was an easy one - "What is a munchkin?" Jess said she knew and jumped to the next cushion. Me and Heath, my brother, did not think she really knew what a munchkin was - so we challenged her. Her response, after much hesitation, was that a munchkin was a squirrel. Heath and I laughed so hard. Jess and her furbee were thrown in the alligator pit. I think she confused the Monchichi with a munchkin - just looking at it I can understand why. Sorry Jess - I know that is not a wonderful story for you - but it is the only one I remember!
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