"Yeth", "Bohy", "No, You Go Way" - All of these are DD's favorite phrases. She has had me and Johnathan crracking up. Yeth - is of course - Yes. Bohy - well that is how she says good-bye - She really enunciates the B and then makes and opera mouth OHY. So, watching her say it is as funny as hearing it. No, you go aaway is her favorite game to play with me while in a shopping cart - any shopping cart, anywhere. She pushes off of me, be it with her feet or with her hands - and then just giggles with glee as she is free-sailing the aisle (okay, about a whopping 3')
'Von and Zeph are both still "didon" to her. So, I can only figure out who hit her or wouldn't let her play with them by which boy comes up to me saying, "I gave her a kiss/hug!" - Yep that is one of the things our household HAS to do when they hurt someone else. You know, as well as I do, that all they would have to do is stay where they are and point fingers at each other when I ask who-did-it and I would be utterly baffled because Dazjah has no idea that there is a boy in our house who isn't named "didon" or daddy. I am sure it won't be too much longer before they get keen on this. Great - I can't wait.
Potty Training - DD is currently trying out for that catergory... however - I must get her clued into one tiny fact - IT MEANS GOING PEE ON THE TOILET MORE THAN THE ONE TIME BEFORE BED! We do the "Oh, no... You peed in your big girl panties... We have to go change them so you don't stink" routine about 6-7 times before she gets it right.... YAY!!! then she takes a nap. Obviously her little brain stores that in the volatile memory cache - thus - IT IS GONE and we have to go through it all again after she wakes up..... WHEN DOES THE LAUNDRY STOP SPINNING??? Diapers are going to be the cheaper alternative soon! But, I love her... so we'll do it again tomorrow. Wish me luck and send me some shock therapy undies... just kidding! (no I'm not - YES I AM!)
Shock therapy undies....I might have some left over from the boys... let me look... nope. I guess life is grand out there in NC, and you are right, the boys will pick up on that soon. Maybe i will have to clue them in... hope all is well and I will talk to you sometime soon... is that package still in your trunk, cause it hasn't shown up at my house yet... Jess
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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