Thursday, December 29, 2005

All tuckered out...

Santa just keeps coming when you visit all your relatives that you haven't seen in 3 years! This week has been very busy... first we traveled the million miles from North Carolina to Nebraska with 3 kiddos in a minivan. Yep, and we still have to go back...YEAH!! Actually, they did pretty well with the help of a VCR, some rest stops that have up-graded to include playgrounds, go-gurts, grapes, cheerios, chex, PB&Js and of course - the coolest traveling momma and pappa that any kids could have! Our first stop was in Omaha - at my sister and her family's home... she even left the door unlocked for our 3 am arrival while she was out doing the middle of the night shopping that she does every December 23rd. After a quick nap and a much needed shower we were off to the first of the festivities... Christmas Eve appetizers at my grandmother's. I love my grandma's house... she collects dolls, plates and stamps, has lots of plants in full bloom in the middle of a Nebraska winter and has a lot of very cool glass/breakable objects and furniture. Also, very fortunately, I think she is one of the few grandmother's whose house does not smell like an old person or moth balls! - Love Ya' Grandma!
So after some soup and other hors devours - we opened some presents.... one of which was from my now official husband-to-be!! That's right - for all of you that were wondering when it was finally gonna happen - we are officially engaged! Santa whipped him until he got down on that knee pleaded for me to take him as-is with no warranty! What else could a girl say - YES! So, I now blog to the world with a ring on my left hand!!
The kiddos got some great presents - and then we were off to see a bigger portion of my Nebraska/blood and marriage related kin-folk. Some I hadn't seen in a good 5+ years... so I had to watch for who they called grandma to figure out who they were.... Others - man they looked just like their mom or dad did when I was a kid. And after all that excitement - we packed the kiddos back in the mini for another hour ride to my mom's house.
Now the part I left out was that my dad had just been released from the hospital on the 24th - after 2 weeks in the clear liquids administering joint - he looked a little pale.... however, I can tell you all that being home has done him a world of good. He is looking more and more like he was never in there and I think that in another week - nobody will be able to tell the difference!
Well, that was the start of our journey to the middle of the country. I will just fast forward to today.... we awoke this morning at a lovely 7 am - a much needed time change from the wonderfully rousing version of "Mommy won't let me watch Polar Express again" that Miss DD sang to us in the key of high screaming C at 3:17 am yesterday. (Yes, there is no joke or lie associated with that statement.) I then proceded to the eye center to try to fix the frames that Zephan broke. No Luck! Then we did a quick drive by at the dollar store - if a $1 toy keeps them quiet for a day - YAY me. Then onto my daddy's farm. I dropped of the boys - John, Divon and Zephan. DD and I went to get our hair done. OK..... John's kissin up on his newly groomed fiance - so MORE LATER....... But as a final note, this is how the kiddos ended up tonight!

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