Saturday, June 02, 2007

How Many Miles to Insanity?

If gas prices go up any further I am strapping a balloon to my butt and heading to Taco Bell. Now there is a way to cature our own 'natural resources'.

John called me the other day and told me that we can make gasoline in our own kitchen. Well, why in the world haven't we started that business? I mean, if I sat in the kitchen brewing up gas and then had the kids sit out on the front lawn with an updated version of a lemonade stand, only it would be gasoline by the cup or pint - maybe a gallon at a time. We could be the next multi-billionaire family in America. Right? What were those ingredients again? RIGHT

Besides, I know that I love the smell of gas so much that I would love my house to smell like it. I mean, I go to the gas station to see how much I can get on my hands. I love coming to work and when I get tired of the smell, it washes right off. And the vapors - my children would reap ALL the rewards of living in those 24/7. I have read the studies on gasoline's vapors and how positively they effect young brain development.

I agree with John - gas prices are crazy. (And no, I really don't care what they pay in Europe or Japan. I don't compare the cost of good beer or electronics, so lets not go there.) However, he needs to build a completely separate building if he thinks he wants to start making his own gasoline. FINAL ANSWER - NO DEAL.


On a much more serious note: The kids are being baptized tomorrow. It will be at Saint James Lutheran Church here in Fayetteville. The boys will then be on the fast track to first communion. The little church that I grew up in did things a bit differently. First communion was not received until you were Confirmed. So, although this process is different the boys are loving it! They tell me that they understand what the bread and wine represent. However, they also do not think that it is fair that I get a snack during church from Pastor Louise and they don't. Well, I think that says a little something about their motivation in all of this, doesn't it?!!

For a final quote: Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You'll realize this as soon as they are born, and they start using sleep deprivation to break you. -- Ray Romano

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