Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Quote of the Day

Today as DD and I were walking out of her brothers' school, that she so desparately wants to attend every day, we were talking about her upcoming birthday. Mind you, she is 2.

We were talking about what kind of cake she wanted and what she wants on the cake... (she is a girly girl - everything pink and princessy.)

Well we get to talking about how she won't be 2 anymore - my way of telling her she is too big to be carried... her way around it.

With her big blue eye and her fluttering eye lashes she stated, "No, I'm going to be 4 momma." End of discussion in her mind..... I was laughing so hard I couldn't argue. I picked her up and gave her a piggy back ride to the car.

Thank goodness John is a chiropractor.


Sue said...

Hi Heather,
What a terrific post. I'm sorry that I was awol but it's good to see you are back.
Many blessings for your Thanksgiving Day - to you and to your family.

Anonymous said...

Hey sis... well Happy Thanksgiving, long time no talk. I need your address to send you some stuff... email me at jbrjws01@hotmail.com. Miss ya lots and tell that lil "4" year old her favorite aunt says hello and give her some hugs and kisses for me. Miss ya all. Talk to you later.

Unknown said...

my 4 year old neice thinks she's going to be 100 next birthday... hehe